Sunday, September 4, 2011

Create A Critter Cartridge Giveaway!!!

It is almost my 6 Month Blogaversary, so I thought a Cartridge Giveaway would be Great.  I have been so lucky and won a lot of things from my friends since I started blogging, even a couple of cartridges.  So I thought it would be fun to give one back and make some new
friends while I am at it.  The Create a Critter was one that I have been wanting for a while now.  When I bought mine, I ordered two so I could give the other away to one of my awesome followers.

I am so happy to have found such a wonderful community of friends and support and might I had such major talent.  I love learning from you all and sharing what I make with you.  So October will be my 6 Month Blogaversary, so lets see how many more friends I can get on my followers list by then.  I will be letting it run through October and choose a winner by random draw on November 1.  One of you will be getting a Brand New, never opened, Create A Critter Cartridge to add to your collection.
So to win this awesome prize you must do the following:
1.  Become a follower/friend  & Leave a comment on this post  *(this one is a must do to win)
For 2 extra chances to win:
2.  Post about my giveaway on your blog with a link back to here, come back here
     and leave me a post with the link to your blog.
3.  Post my giveaway on your Blog sidebar with a link back to here to continue to spread the
     news, come back here and leave me a post here with the link.

**only comments on this post will count as an entry.
***You must be a follower of this blog to win.
****Open to everyone, I will ship anywhere!!!

Come back here on Nov 1 to see if you won.  
I will give 1 week for the winner to contact me,
if no contact is made I will draw again.

Good Luck To You All, I wish you could all win!!!

If the blogger button is not working, scroll all the way to top of
blog, click on the word follow at the far left top of blog
to become a follower!!! 

Have a Wonderful and Crafty Day!!!

Eva :0)


Susan said...

Hi Eva!

What a wonderful give away! I just bought this cartridge a few weeks ago and I love it! Congrats on 6 months, yay! I'll post about your giveaway but no need to enter me since I have the cartridge. Just happy for ya! :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on 6 months!!! Milestones are so exciting! Thanks for stopping by my blog so I could find you!!


DIANA L. said...

Congrats on 6 months.
I'm a new follower hope you get many more.

bonnie said...

Huge congratulations on you 6 month blogaversary! I hope you get tons of followers sweetie ;) Hugs x

Unknown said...

A huge congratulations on 6 months. Well done!!!

Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing prize.

I don't have this cartridge, but with three kiddies, I think I need to get this one.


Unknown said...

A link to your giveaway is now on my blog


abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Congrats on your followers! I am now one!

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

I posted your candy on my sidebar with a link!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome give away. This cart is on my "I need" list. lol. I am already a follower! Congrats on your 6 month blogaversary.

pthoreson04 AT gmail DOT com

Karen said...

thanks for a chance to win this cart will put this on my side bar and pop back to let you know I did

Samantha said...

Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! Thanks for the great chance to win!


Pendra said...

Hi Eva, thanks for the email... you know I need cartridges, this one looks so cute!!! I am already your follower, and THANKS for the chance to win!!!
pendrah AT comcast DOT net

Samantha said...

I have added your giveaway to my blog sidebar!


Pendra said...

Eva I posted and linked your Blogiversary Giveaway on my side bar on my blog. Thanks again!
pendrah AT comcast DOT net

Kelly said...

i'm your new your blog and great giveaway....happy blogiversary...

Amy E said...

Happy 6-month-o-versary!!! I'm your newest follower. I'm gonna go poke around now!

amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

Amy E said...

I posted your link and pic on my blog candy page. Hope you get LOTS of followers!!

amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

christys_scrappin said...

I am now a follower!

christys_scrappin said...

Posted on my sidebar too! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi Eva!!! Thanks for coming over to my blog.

I am a follower of yours though, I think that it was the first thing that I clicked on...I am whiteruffles and the little white bird. I did try and follow again, it it tells me that I am already following


Laura-cubed said...

Finding so much to be inspired with. Great ideas.

Melissa said...

Such a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

mzcherub at gmail dot com

callyannc said...

I love your blog! You have great projects! Thanks for sharing and your candy! TFS CallyAnn(new follower)
come on over:)

I will be back the Teddy Bear hop!

Scrappin' Sista said...

Congratulations on 6 months. Here's to many more. I wish you only the best. Thanks for the change to win.

askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot) com

Scrappin' Sista said...

I have a page for all contests and have posted about your giveaways. I hope that works for you. Thanks for the chance to win.

askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I am a new follower and thank you so much for the chance to win this as I do not have this cartridge!!!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 6 months and I have posted the candy on my side bar with a link to you!!!!! Thanks again!!!!!

Dana Paper Memories4u said...

LOVE your blog, so glad I found it thru the teddy bear blog hop. Good luck on all your new followers and 6 month anniversary with your blog. I'm a follower. papermemories4u@

Tiffany said...

Congrats on 6 months! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and following me. I'm excited to return the favor :) This is a great cartridge!

VinDeeLoo said...

I soooo want Create a Critter. Thank you for the chance to win. This will be on my sidebar and will post about it after the hop I am in this weekend.

vndlewis at rocketmail dot com

jennyplace2 said...

Hi Eva, Thanks for the chance to win the cartridge. This is very sweet of you to do. Congrats on your 6 months bloganniversary.

Alisha said...

I am already a follower of your amazing work. Thank you for a chance to win a cartridge.

kendell said...

I have just become a follower of your blog. Thanks for offering such great blog candy. Kindest regards

Ruth G said...

Eva, congrats on your upcoming blogiversary! I'm in awe of anyone who gets a blog going - good for you! Some day I might try and start one, but for now I'm just following lots of wonderful crafters who are willing to share with me their inspirational ideas!

Judy said...

I am already a follower of your fine blog:-) I just - and I mean 'just' started one and have some learning to do.

Anonymous said...

Im a new follower! so glad I found your blog!!!

Jennie Garcia said...

I just became a follower!! Congrats on your blogaversary!!
TFS!! Take Care!!
Jennie @

Jennie Garcia said...

I posted a link in my sidebar :)
TFS!! Take Care!!
Jennie @

Jens Craft Corner said...

Love the giveaway! I am a follower and love visiting your site. Happy Blogaversary!

Neve said...

funny candy!


Jenn Zeeb said...

I am a follower of your blog, thanks for the opp at such great candy!!

Jenn Zeeb

Jenn Zeeb said...

I posted a link on my blog here

Jenn Zeeb

Melissa said...

Thanks for leaving me a comment on my blog about your giveaway! I a now a new follower...congrats on your blogaversary!


mamawcindy said...

Congratulations to you on your up coming Blogaversary!!!! It took me forever to get up enough nerve to start a Blog. I thought it would be really hard to do. So Happy that I decided to do it. I have met so many wonderful People in the Crafty Blog World. I just found you and I am now a Follower. Thank you so much for the chance to win. :0)
cindymarshall63 at hotmail dot com

mamawcindy said...

Just posted about your Giveaway on my blog. Again Thanks for the chance to win. :0)

Kim. said...

Hi I just found your blog via your pumpkin card at cuttin up with class blog, that is a great card.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Kim xXx

Kim. said...

Congrats on your blogaversary. I am your newest follower, I need all the inspiration I can get when it comes to the Cricut as I need to make friends with it instead of an enemy lol. Thanks for the chance to win your candy is now on my sidebar.
Kim xXx

Vicki said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! I'm a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

vwilson577 at yahoo. com

Amanda said...

Congrats on 6mos. I just started a blog a couple of weeks ago! Not much on it yet due 2 no computer just a cell phone & no digital camera 2 upload pics, but very soon I'll post some of my scrappy projects! I want the Creat a Critter cart so badly! Thanks 4 the chance 2 win it! New follower via GFC! ~prhmangel at gmail dot com

carrie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a new follower of your wonderful blog now. Congrats on your Blogaversary!!!

Crafty and Green said...

Hi Eva! Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I'm a new follower!! Congrats on 6 months blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win! I would Love this cart! It's one that i have on my wish list!! Great Choice!! Thanks again!!

Many Blessings,

Anonymous said...

Happy to meet you, I am also a new follower! Congrats on your anniversary and thank you for such a generous giveaway!

Jean said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I am a new follower.

Laurie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I just became a follower. Congrats on your blogaversary!

Maribel said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! Your blog is always an inspiration and I am so happy to be a follower!

Linda Dale said...

Great giveaway. I am a new follower and will post yours to my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win.

lorby said...

Hi Eva. I owe you a bunch of thank you's. I owe a few thank you's for checking out the blog hops I'm in and then I need to send one your way for informing me of my win. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am a follower and look forward to visiting your site and seeing you at mine. : ) Jearise in Lorby's World.
By the way, I'm hosting a haunted house blog hop tomorrow with prizes.

Amanda said...

I'm a new follower & I'm not sure if I've already left u a message stating that. If I have then just ignore this 1, not trying 2 cheat :) I just started a blog & would love 4 u 2 follow me as well! Thanx 4 the awesome giveaway. Maybe when I reach a milestone on my blog, I'll have a giveaway~if I do, you'll be notified! Congrats on 6mos. & I hope u have many more! Take care & keep scrappin! ~prhmangel at gmail dot com Bloggie address:

Luanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Luanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angie S said...

Congrats on your 6 months. This is an awesome giveaway & have wanted this cart for awhile but the funds won't allow for it at this time. I am a new follower & look forward to seeing more creative ideas. Thanks for the chance to win.

Bonnie said...

Wow what a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. I am a follower.

Laura H. said...

I'm a follower! Would love to win this cute cart! :)

Paper Deckerations said...

We must have started blogging at the same time! I think it's about my 6 month as well! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
paperdeckerations at gmail dot com

ShersL84bed said...

Awesome giveaway, thanks so much for the chance to win this cartridge. I'm a follower.

Smiles Sher

Karen H said...

What a wonderful giveaway! :o) Any project with a cut from CAC is a guaranteed smile for the recipient. :o) Congratulations on six months of blogging and supporting! (I say the latter because I see you leaving comments on so many blogs. You are a blessing!) Thank you for the opportunity to win. :o)

Hugs and blessings!

smyiow said...

Already a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!! Happy Blogiversary!!

K Clark said...

thanks so much for the opportunity
leokc34 at gmail dot com

Candy said...

Fantastic giveaway Eva! Thanks for the chance to win! I am new follower!
candyyoung826 at msn dot com
Come on over and enter my new giveaway!

Pat P. said...

I'm a new follower and congrats on your 6 mo. bloganniversary and the opportunity to win this cartridge.

Texas JennyWren said...

Happy blog=a=versary to you, Eva. I LOVE FREE. Please enter me in for a chance to win the cartridge.

Kimberly R. said...

I follow your blog. congratulations and thanks for the chance.

k_rampersad03 at hotmail dot com

kim R. said...

congrats and thanks for the opportunity. i follow your blog.

k_rampersad03 at hotmail dot com

kim R. said...

congrats and thanks for the opportunity. i follow your blog.

k_rampersad03 at hotmail dot com

lindaplus3 said...

I am brand new to scrapping and am looking forward to all the help i can get... ty for the opportunity to expand on my cricut... i have one cartridge and would love to win more :) lindaplusthree at yahoo dot com

Cathy said...

Congrats and thank you for a chance to win for this follower:)
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com

Lisa said...

thank you for all the kind words about my projects and for becoming a follower! i am a your follower now also!! thank for the chance to win an AWESOME cartridge!!

Lisa G

Lisa said...

Hi Eva,
me again! I have added your giveaway on my side bar and posted it on facebook!!! Hope this helps!!!!

Lisa G

Unknown said...

LOL It must be late, it took me 10 minutes to follow LOL Anyways what a great giveaway and happy anniversary! What a great blog!

Lady Fair said...

Hi! I'm a new follower. I saw your blog address in a comment you left on another blog. Congratulations on having your own blog. I hope to visit you often!


Houses Built of Cards said...

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog this morning! Congrats on 6 months!!!

Ashley said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! I'm a new follower and posted in the "Blog Candy Giveaway" tab on my blog.


Candy said...

Hey Eva,
I posted your candy in my sidebar. Congrats again on 6 months.

Mommy's Crafty Creations said...

Great Giveaway!! Im already a follower.

mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com

K Clark said...

I am already a follower! thanks for the opportunity

lindaplus3 said...

i am totally new to this.. hopping scrapping, hopping and blogging....ty very much for the chance to win something to help me on my way :) lindaplusthree at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Hi Eva, I am already a mean a followers. LOL This is a great give away. Thanks for the chance to win and happy blogaversary :)


Allisa said...

Congrats on your anniversary.

SHartl said...

Happy Blogaversary and thanks for the great giveaway! I found you over on the EAD hop and am a new follower!

Karenladd said...

Congrats on your blogaversary! I have to admit that I get all of my ideas and inspiration from blogs these days and I am adding yours to my bookmarked list! I'm a follower!

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, how did I miss your giveaway, Eva??!! CONGRATULATIONS on your blogoversary my sweet friend!! And what a fun and fabulous giveaway!! I have added it to my sidebar!! :D

Lisa :)

Rosie said...

awesome giveaway, thanks for the opportunity to win! I've been a follower!!!

Trallie said...

Can't believe I just now came across this blog. It's great!

Helena Lane said...

What a great blog! Happy Anniversary!

tluiz said...

What great blog candy. A cartridge that I don't already have.!

Sukie said...

Congrats on your blogaversary. I have a fairly new blog myself, would love it if you stopped by to check it out. Love he inspiration you provide, I am a new follower and will be stalking your blog!
scrappindhilly at gmail dot com

Kellie said...

Hi Eva! I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance to win - I've been meaning to get that cartridge!

Kellie said...

I just added your goodies to my sidebar!

Edwina said...

I am a follower of your blog. This is a great giveaway! Thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown

Marcia said...

I am a new follower and this is a cool prize! Thanks!

lindaplus3 said...

Hello... I am a new follower and congratulations on your blogaversary.... ty for sharing... i would add you to the blog and the sidebar.... but i dont know how ... sorry... hope i can find someone to teach me :) lindaplusthree at yahoo dot com

Luanne said...

Hi Eva, I am already your follower. Thanks for the chance.

myfootahead@gmail dot com

Luanne said...

Your giveaway is now posted on my side bar blog.

myfootahead@gmail dot com