Look at whats going on over at CK2 this week
New Bap starts today

BAP 42 Snowman iPhone Dock
How cute is this!!! what an adorable display to hold your phone during the Holidays while it charges. This dock is designed to hold an iPhone but can be used for many different smart phones. I hope you come play along with us and get your free file just for sharing your finished project with us on FB. Hurry though because requests are only accepted Moday and Tuesday of this week for this file. After that it will be avilable for purchase :)
BAP Rules:
Every week at Creative Kuts on facebook we do a new FREE BAP Project (Build-A-Project) and everyone is invited to play. All you have to do is watch for the post Monday and send an email request to BAP@creativekuts.com, we will send you the cut file FREE. All requests must be in by Tuesday to play along that week. Then you just have to show us your finished project with that file by Sunday 5pm pst by posting on fan page. Make sure you get your projects posted by the deadline each week so you can play again the next week. Hope you play along with us each week!!! Eva will make & post a video of all the beautiful projects of everyone who played along that week too.
You can find us on Facebook on the Creative Kuts timeline Fan page https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Creative-Kuts/130937843644274
or join our posts page here https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/381667938541774/permalink/428572500517984/?notif_t=like
Here is the fun video from last weeks BAP 41 Fall Fun Layout